Subcellular Structure Labeling Tools

LumiSTAR 提供的 Subcellular Structure Labeling Tool:

  1. Convenience -Transduction-ready lentiviral particles 
  2. Easy -Rapid and simple procedure
  3. High titer -Highly efficient transduction of nearly all mammalian cell type 
  4. Selectioon -Available in vectors with a wide variety of promoters and reporters (customized is available)


Subcellular Structure Labeling Tool

LumiSTAR provides highly concentrated and purified lentiviral particles deliver reporter genes that express fluorescent protein targeted to specific subcellular structure Cell labeling allows direct visualizing specific organelles or structures, creating reporter cells that are applicable in investigating protein localization, protein dynamics, and protein trafficking. Our recombinant lentiviral particles are available for visualization of the cytoskeleton, plasma membrane, endosomes, Golgi, etc.


Examples of application:


Targeting information and available colors


Procedure Summary

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