Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 高階螢光影像系統
基於Hamamatsu在高性能科研相機的專業及高級成像應用的豐富經驗,推出新型 ORCA-Flash4.0 V3,Hamamatsu V3。無論在擷取精美的科學圖像,還是需要檢測、定量和速度等各種實驗應用, ORCA-Flash4.0 V3都能應付自如。具備板載FPGA處理功能,可實現智能數據縮減、高精度相機內像素校正、更高的USB3.0傳輸效率 (Frame rate)、針對性及創新的觸發功能 (triggering capabilities)、獲得專利的層光/光切片 (Lightsheet)讀出模式和單獨的相機雜訊特性化,是具有影響力的精密儀器。
生物領域的Hamamatsu OCRA-Flash4.0 V3
Hamamatsu ORCA-Flash4.0 V3被定位高階螢光感測器。與常規CCD/CMOS相較,V3能夠有多倍的感光提升。能用更短曝光時間,收集成像所需螢光訊號。從而降低螢光的光漂白現象 (Photobleaching), 及達成即時成像 (Real-time Imaging)。此外,V3具備超高的動態範圍,除了能更完美地呈現螢光亮暗細節的層次,也能接受更大範圍的螢光訊號變化。Hamamatsu精細的雜訊校正,為生物螢光拍攝提供了極低噪訊背景。大量拉高 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),讓更微弱的訊號能與雜訊有更明顯對比。除了基礎螢光研究,V3更是常用於進階螢光應用:單分子成像 (single molecule imaging) 或超解析顯微鏡成像 (super resolution microscopy imaging)。
- Calibrated for Quantitative Accuracy
- Flexibility for Customized Data Control
- Patented Tools for Advanced Imaging: Lightsheet Readout Mode
- Focus on the Relevant Data
- Powerful Triggering for Synchronizationa
Lightsheet Readout Mode [Patented]
Movie gallery
PC recommendations
With the introduction of the ORCA-Flash4.0, users are now able to stream 4 megapixel images to their computers 100 frames per second. The computer recommendations for this high data rate can be met by using the guidelines listed this PC Recommendations for ORCA-Flash4.0.
Spectral response
說明 | 檔案大小 | 下載 |
ORCA-Flash4.0 V3型錄(新功能說明) | 123KB | |
ORCA-Flash4.0 V3型錄 (For lifescience) | 123KB | |
Technical note | 123KB | |
PC Recommendations for ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 | 123KB |
型號 | 概述 | 詢價數量 |